Home DNA Kit

Use the buttons below to order or download your home DNA kit, or home dna test. 

Home DNA Kit Includes

When you order our home DNA kit you will recieve the following items.

Home DNA Kit

The DNA kit is packaged into a plain white envelope. 

There is no mention of DNA testing on the envelope front or back.

DNA Swabs

Your paternity test home kit will contain 1 packet of swabs per person.

If you told us there is 2 persons being tested (ie. father and child) we will ship you two packets.

Order Form

This is the form you will fill out to tell us how you want your paternity test results. Additionally it will allow you order service extras, such as express results or DNA images from the analysis computers.


The instructions tell you step by step how to use the swabs. It is a very simple process and just involves rubbing the mouth swab on the inside of the cheek and labelling the packet.

We are available by phone and online chat to immediately answer any additional questions you have.

Paternity Test Brochure

The home DNA kit also contains our paternity test brochure which gives you more information about DNA SOLUTIONS, paternity testing, and our other DNA testing services.

Download Option

Home DNA Kit

Instead of having the home DNA kit mailed to you, you can also download the paperwork (instructions and order Form), and use your own swabs (toothbrush, Q-tips, etc.). This option is frequently used by person in an extreme hurry, and who do not have time to wait for the DNA kit to arrive by mail, or perhaps, for extra privacy do not want the home DNA kit sent to any address at all.

Tests more DNA (18+ regions)

Has own lab (Not a reseller)

Lab has 15+ years

Contactable 24 hours (Online chat)

DNA Solutions

Easy DNA



No Lab


DNA Center (DDC)







Beta Genetics












This information was accurate at the time of posting. If any of the above companies have since changed their circumstances, please contact us so we can update this information.